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Technology and Self-Directed Learning


Being self-directed with technology and taking the initiative to stay current and understand technology changes is critically important in our world today. The job we train for in college today most likely will change over the years. The technology we use will advance and thus, so must we. One area of research that interest me is how to promote self-direction with technology. Coming soon will be a survey that is being developed to help understand personal traits and characteristics that promote self-direction with technology.

Using Technology to Teach


Whether we teach online or face-to-face there are many technology tools available to us to facilitate student learning. Far beyond what we, ourselves, know we can provide resources so that the student will surpass the teacher - as it should be. Another major passion of mine is help teachers facilitate student learning with technology. Something as simple as finding an online video that supplements classroom material may be just what a student needs to get over the learning hurdle. Don't be afraid to reach out for other ways to help learners advance!

Online Learning


For those of you who teach, have you ever had a student fall asleep in class? They have totally tuned you out. Student engagement with technology becomes more critical with online classes. There when students "fall asleep" it may be very difficult to wake them up and get them moving again. Another passion - helping online students learn and motivating them!

Organizational Learning and Technology


Another area of interest for me is how organizations use technology to promote learning and performance excellence. In particular I have been studying the Baldrige framework for performance excellence and the organizational learning component found with that framework. More to come on this area soon!!

Computational Thinking


I am not a math teacher per say. By course work done I am more than qualified to teach math. It is not my favorite thing to do. I am currently teaching a quantitative literacy class in an environment where math is "just not our thing". Finding relevance and engaging students has become one of my greatest challenges. But I'm getting there. At the end of the semester when we finish more and more students are acknowledging the value in the quantitative reasoning and literacy. As things evolve I'll keep posting updates here.